The Oakland County 6th Circuit is Oakland County’s Felony Court

The Oakland County Circuit Court

The leading rule for the lawyer, as for the man of every calling, is diligence
— Abraham Lincoln

The Oakland County Court for Felonies

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For the most part, all state felony cases that take place in Oakland County end up at the Oakland County Circuit Court in Pontiac. The Oakland County Circuit Court, otherwise known as the 6th Circuit Court, has thirteen judges who preside over criminal felony cases. As Oakland County felony criminal lawyers, we have an extensive amount of experience in handling and trying serious felony cases here.

The Judges of the Oakland County Circuit Court

The Judges of the 6th Circuit Court are diverse in their methods of practice, as well as theories behind sentencing. For example, certain judges in the Oakland Circuit Court are more likely than others to order prison in cases. Likewise, some of the Oakland Circuit judges require a strict schedule, while others allow for a more laid back approach to running their docket.

The Oakland County Circuit Court is Unique and has its Own Particularities

Every court in Michigan has its own way of doing things. Some courts are friendlier to lawyers, while others are very strict. The Oakland County Circuit Court is a large court and which judge you have in your Oakland County felony case will make a major difference in strategy that your criminal lawyer will employ. However, if you are a criminal defense attorney and are not familiar with each of these judges, along with the Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office, then you are at a major disadvantage when trying to handle your client’s case. For example, many times lawyers who primarily practice in Wayne or Genesee County will get a retained felony case in Oakland Circuit. Unlike their counties, where deals are more easily obtained, in Oakland you must be prepared to try your case and expect that no decent offer will be made. Most of the time, the out of county lawyers will simply give in and put their clients in serious jeopardy before an Oakland County Judge. We have taken many cases like this over and shake our heads when we hear what the clients were promised by their prior lawyer, only to receive the reality check when appearing in front of the judge.

Oakland County Circuit Court Felony Strategy

We have extensive trial experience in Oakland County and have won all sorts of jury trials there. The strategy that you must employ in Oakland Circuit is to be aggressive from start to finish. Many times, filing motions will lead to better deals, or boxing in the prosecutor for trial. The worst thing you can do, and something that happens in 90% of cases in Oakland Circuit, is to do nothing and hope for an offer from the prosecutor. The offer won’t come and the client will be left holding the bag. Don’t let that happen to you, give us a call today to discuss your Oakland County Circuit Court felony case.